
From Fish On Wiki

Fishing Locations are areas on the server where players can catch fish. Each location on the server has a unique variety of fish, along with location shards. The full Compendium of a location can be seen when players interact with the location guide NPC, or players can see their compendium progress in the Fishing Menu. Finishing the compendium for a location provides money, ten location shards, and a location tag.

The Farm Pond location, which serves as the server's spawn
Location teleport menu

Fish On! has 13 unique fishing locations where players can catch various fish that are native to those locations, as well as location shards (except PVP Shards in Oil Rig) that are used to craft location armor.

Each location after Farm Pond has a level requirement needed to access it. All locations, except the Oil Rig, have runes hidden throughout them for players to find and turn in to the Rune Keeper for additional health.

Table detailing the shards, required levels, and rune counts of each location.
Location Shard Minimum Level Runes Available
Farm Pond Pond Shard 0 10
Kenai River Salmon Shard 5 8
Lake Biwa Cherry Shard 10 12
Oil Rig Rig Shard 15 0
Everglades Mangrove Shard 20 10
Murray River Macquarie Shard 25 10
Key West Salty Shard 30 10
Toledo Bend Reservoir Marsh Shard 40 15
Great Lakes Superior Shard 50 11
Danube River Danubian Shard 60 10
Amazon River Rainforest Shard 70 7
Mediterranean Sea Lemon Shard 80 12
Cape Cod Lobster Shard 90 8
Hawaii Palm Shard 100 9
Cairns Reef Shard 120 13

PVP Shards can be caught at any location, however the chance for this is substantially increased at Oil Rig.

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